Whack? Nah, bro get some reading glasses

When it comes to the recent comments of one Picky Ricky, I knew not to engage.  That truth did not stop me, and now I'm having to deal with the worst critic of my career. Picky Ricky.  

I have this to say to you: “It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better." - Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America.  

The teddy bear is actually named after Theodore Roosevelt, so I think that really tells you something of his character.  If we cannot look up to someone with that sort of character, I'm not sure who we can look upon.  

Some say he's cryogenically frozen somewhere, waiting like the mad man he is to come out and run this great nation to sea to shining sea.  Please rise and put your hand over your heart, where the eagles fly, and the Ole Faithful spurts.  What a nation we have.  

Think about that the next time you come around here sprouting out gibberish, Picky Ricky.  Work on your grammar, young man.  Maybe one day, you'll be able to type complete sentences.  

Thank you very much.


Not that I'm against yo-yos, but it's a yo-yo.  Wow, you made it spin on string, big whoop.  Now solve a Rubik's cube, my guy. 

That's it, Picky Ricky is added to the Bad Boy section of the game.  You've left me no choice. 

Also, I've been working hard on the game, there will be an update like no other coming soon. 

Now the Entertainment News:  

"The Nightmare Before Christmas" released theaters this day in the year of our lord 1993.  Directed by Tim Burton, it was a stop motion animation movie who's premise is that a Halloween Hobgoblin wants to do his own Merry Little Christmas.  Just joking, it wasn't a Hobgoblin, but a Skeleton Man, do you think you could make a deal with him?  Maybe.  He's main love interest is a Frankenstein type lass, who knows how to attract them, in the bad way.  People in her life seem to want her for one thing, and it's not love; she needs therapy, not some Skeleton Man who wants to do something silly.  Very enjoyable, I'd rate it 7.5 cheeses outta 10 Gorilla Suited Men.  

Thank you very much for joining me here for this one of many Fire Side Chats.  Join me next time where we uncover the true source of Picky Ricky's disdain for me (You're not going to believe this, this will blow your mind.  They hate this one weird trick.)

Get Cardboard Hollow


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listen you big headed cheese curd don’t put our biz on the front and center ya dig that is our special biz ya fool now stop spittin nonsense about movies and me and work on ya game foo or else 

im serious bro dont release the info on our dets im warnin ya foo

btw id give tha movie 8 outta 10 bruv ya trippin with ya ratin corpse bride is the shiz thou so u cool homie